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PRP Treatment for Tendinitis

Tendon and ligament issues are some of the most common sports-related injuries in the United States. NY Orthopedics’ team of medical professionals specializes in both surgical and non-surgical practices that can alleviate pain and rapidly increase recovery time so you can get back to playing the sport you love. We have offices in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Nassau and Rockland counties, and New Jersey. Our physicians are well-renowned, serving both professional and amateur athletes alike.

What is Tendinitis?

Tendons are the thick, fibrous cords that attach your muscles to your bones. Tendinitis occurs when those tendons become inflamed. While tendinitis can affect any tendon in the body, it’s most common in the shoulders, wrists, knees, elbows, and heels – especially in athletes.

What are PRP Injections?

Your blood consists of red and white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. These platelets contain proteins called growth factors that aid in healing and tissue repair.

PRP is constructed from your own blood and contains a higher concentration of platelets than naturally occurring blood to speed healing. A doctor will take a small amount of your blood and extract the concentrated platelets from it. Once concentrated, the PRP is injected directly into the affected area.

PRP can also be used to speed recovery if surgical reconstruction on a tendon is needed.

While most instances of tendinitis will heal with rest and physical therapy, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections have been proven to be an effective non-surgical method to treat more extreme cases.

How do PRP Injections Work?

The human body has the ability to heal itself. It just needs some extra catalysts to jumpstart the process. By introducing PRP to the affected area, the increased platelets signal to the body to release more growth factors.

Since PRP injections stem from the patient’s own blood supply, there is no risk of rejection. It is a natural and effective treatment to help athletes and non-athletes alike recover from injuries faster.

What Type of Sports Injuries Will Benefit Most from PRP Injections?

While PRP injections are effective at accelerating the healing of any form of tendinitis, there are several common sports injuries where they can be most effective:

  1. Achilles Tendinitis
  2. Patellar Tendinitis
  3. Rotator Cuff Injuries
  4. Tennis Elbow
  5. Golfer’s Elbow
  6. Jumper’s Knee

How to Prepare for PRP Injections

Since the overall effectiveness of PRP injections is related to the quality of your blood, there are a few things you can do before your treatment to see better results:

  • Increase your iron and vitamin B intake. This can be done through supplements or foods high in these substances, like leafy greens and other vegetables.
  • Increase your cardiovascular health through routine exercises like jogging or aerobics.
  • Avoid factors that can lower your overall platelet count, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and foods high in fat and sugar.
  • Discontinue any anti-inflammatory or blood-thinning medications about a week before your procedure.

Common Risks of PRP Injections

PRP injections are an incredibly low-risk procedure. The only common risk associated with PRP injections is pain at the injection site. Simply be sure to drink plenty of water before the treatment since your doctor will be drawing your blood. Some rare risks include:

What is the Recovery Time for Tendinitis Treated with PRP Injections?

Patients with tendinitis who have received PRP injections have noted pain relief in as little as two weeks. However, the average recovery time is about four to six weeks.


PRP Procedure FAQ

  • Is PRP in orthopedics the same as cosmetic procedures like Botox?

    No. Although PRP injections are used in cosmetic procedures, the process is much different from other procedures like Botox, which inject foreign substances into the body. PRP uses your own blood to induce healing, not blood from a donor.

  • How many injections are typically needed for tendinitis treatment?

    Typically, we have found that a series of three injections offer the best results.

  • Is PRP for tendinitis painful?

    PRP injections are not any more painful than any other injection. Patients may feel some soreness at the injection site for a few days after the procedure.

  • How long does the PRP injection procedure take for tendinitis treatment?

    PRP injections only take about 30-45 minutes. This includes preparing and administering the injection.

NY Orthopedics has multiple sports medicine offices in New York City, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island, as well as the surrounding counties, including Nassau, Westchester, and Rockland. In addition to total knee replacements, NY Orthopedics also is proficient at joint replacements of the hip, shoulder and ankle joints. To learn more about our services or make an appointment, contact us today!

Our PRP Treatment for Tendinitis Specialists

Stephen J. Nicholas, M.D.
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Dr. Benjamin B. Bedford
Benjamin B. Bedford, M.D.
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PRP Treatment for Tendinitis
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Dr. Sergai N. DeLaMora
Sergai N. DeLaMora, M.D.
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Sameh Elguizaoui MD
Sameh Elguizaoui, M.D.
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Dr. Gregory Galano
Gregory Galano, M.D.
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Matthew Gotlin, M.D. NY Orthopedics
Matthew Gotlin, M.D.
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Dr. Steven J. Lee
Steven J. Lee, M.D.
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Dr. Teo Mendez
Matthew (Teo) Mendez-Zfass, M.D.
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Dr. Nicholas A. Wessling
Nicholas A. Wessling, M.D.
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Dr. John L. Xethalis
John L. Xethalis, M.D.
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